Photo by: Cincinnati Police Department


CINCINNATI 鈥 Cincinnati police officers arrested 12 kids in a downtown parking garage on Friday, some of which were suspects in attacks made on people on 5th and 6th Streets downtown, according to Cincinnati Police Chief Teresa Theetge.

Theetge said Tuesday that CPD stepped up patrols downtown, and were able to catch the juveniles as a result.

Two of the juveniles are accused of being involved in an attack on January 23, when a man was attacked and robbed on 6th Street by a group of eight people. Two of those people聽.

Another two of the juveniles arrested Friday were involved in a second attack that happened the next day, when a 15-year-old was jumped and beaten聽.

Theetge said six of the 12 kids arrested were also involved in a disorderly conduct case that happened on January 29 at Carew Tower. One of the juveniles had an ankle monitoring bracelet on when they were arrested Friday, Theetge said.

While it wasn’t at the same time police arrested the 12 juveniles, Theetge said four people were also caught breaking into vehicles on Race Street on Friday; two teenagers were arrested for that as well.

Theetge said when police arrested those teens, both were armed with semi-automatic guns.

As she provided an update on youth violence to Cincinnati City Council on Tuesday, Theetge said Cincinnati police are working to get things under control, but that officers are feeling frustrated.

“This is not the police’s problem to solve alone,” said Theetge. “It absolutely is not. If that’s the approach we continue to take, my fear is a critical outcome that none of us want to see in this city, if everybody doesn’t come to the table and commit to being part of the solution.”

Theetge also stressed to city council that, despite the recent incidents downtown, the area is safe; she told council she took her own family downtown over the weekend. Still, she said it isn’t a bad thing that people are more aware after the attacks were reported.

Reposted with permission from WCPO 9 News

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